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Frequently Asked Questions

  • Language immersion is a way of teaching language by completely immersing the learner in that language for significant periods of time. The learner will hear only the target language for both regular conversation (i.e. talk about getting dressed and eating meals), as well as subject matter learning (i.e. math and science). Research shows that with language immersion, young children learn their second language the same way they learned their first – by listening, absorbing, imitating, and then trying it out.

  • Lunchtime is a great time to come and visit. Parents and children both enjoy having lunch together on a school day. Our lunch program is arranged by the district food services. They offer several entrees daily for students with a salad bar, rolls, milk, and juice. No lunch is served for kindergarten due to the half-day schedule. Lunch and milk can be purchased in the school cafeteria. Checks should be made out to 4J Food Services and completed envelopes with payment should be given to the cafeteria.

    Applications for free and reduced price lunches are sent to families at the beginning of the school year and are also available in the office.

    Your child will have a personal identification number (PIN) to keep track of his or her lunch expenses. They will have this PIN through 12th grade. You can find out what the lunch menu is by going to the website.

    If your child has food allergies or special dietary needs, please make sure that the office is informed in writing. We will make every effort to accommodate your child’s needs. Several children at Yujin Gakuen have peanut allergies and a few are severe enough to be life threatening to that child. The school cannot prohibit students from bringing certain foods, but parents have made the request of other parents to not send peanut products to school.

    Some of the younger grades are permitted to bring a morning snack. If you choose to send a healthy snack, please send something nutritious and quick easy to eat.

  • Lost articles of clothing are hung in the breezeway & closet out back. Smaller items such as jewelry, glasses, and keys are stored in the main office. Unmarked and unclaimed clothing will be donated periodically to non-profit organizations after they have been displayed in the cafeteria or breezeway. This is usually the week prior to Winter Break, Spring Break and the end of school in June.

    Please be sure that your child’s name is in all jackets and sweaters worn or brought to school, as well as on all other possessions: notebooks, back packs, lunch boxes, etc. This is very helpful in getting possessions back to your child when they are found.

  • During inclement weather, information regarding any school closure can be found in the

    following ways:

    1. Check the 4J District website 
    2. Listen to local district radio stations KRVM FM (91.9) and KRVM AM (1290). District radio station will broadcast school closure decisions as soon as they are made.
    3. Watch local TV stations

    When after school activities are cancelled because of hazardous weather conditions, the media and schools will be notified by noon. We appreciate your listening for this information on the above resources prior to calling the office.

  • Please keep your child home from school if they have a contagious condition, vomiting, or a fever over 100˚ F.

    Please inform the school if your child has any special health concerns, such as allergies or special health needs. A form for notification is in the back-to-school mailing. A copy of all student allergies and medical concerns is kept in the office. Instructions on care are recorded as well as your list of emergency contacts. Please keep phone numbers and contact information up-to-date by contacting the office.

    If a school nurse is not available on site. We will consult with the nurse/nurse practitioner at the North Eugene Health Clinic if we have any concerns about injury or illness.

    In case of a serious accident, first aid will be given, and parents will be notified as soon as possible.

    The office staff, teachers, and principal provide health care and first aid, usually in the form of ice packs or bandages. Children can rest in the health room and return to class when they feel better. No medications can be administered without written consent and instructions from parents. Children who feel ill at school may ask their teacher to let them go to the office. Parents or emergency contacts will be notified when a child is injured or ill.

    Health Concerns: If your child suffers from any chronic illness, such as asthma, has a food allergy, is allergic to bee stings, or has any other serious medical problem which may affect his/her well-being at school, it is important that is information be given to the child’s teacher and office. It is very important that this information be kept current as possible.

    Medication: School personnel may give daily prescription medication only with a form completed and signed and from a labeled prescription bottle. Parents or guardians must deliver prescription medications. The container will be kept in a locked area in the office. It is the responsibility of the student to come to the office when the medication is to be taken. Over-the-counter medications should also be kept in the office. DO NOT send mediations in lunch box or backpacks.

  • Have your child/ren wear clothing that covers the midriff, shoulders, and underwear. This is especially respectful of Japanese culture and supports a positive learning environment. No alcohol, tobacco or illicit content please!

  • Report cards will come home at the end of each term. Please sign and return the report card envelope to the school. You may keep all report cards. Each child receives a report from the English and Japanese teachers. Specific skills for reading, language arts, and math are evaluated, as well as social skills and work habits.

  • Each year we publish a student directory of all Yujin Gakuen students. The directory includes the most current address, telephone numbers, email addresses, and parent names for students. The intent is to help parents arrange carpools, after-school play groups, birthday parties, and conduct committee work related directly to our school activities. Any other use of the student directory information is prohibited. District policy allows the school to release “Directory Information” relating to students without parent authorization for school purposes, i.e., for use by room parents or other school related needs. This would normally include giving out names, addresses, email addresses, and phone numbers. Please notify the school in writing if any portion of such directory information relating to your child should not be included in the directory or released.

  • Yujin Gakuen is able to provide all co-custodial parents a duplicate copy of all district-labeled mailings. Please let the office know if you would like the name of a co-custodial or a non-custodial parent added to your student’s information. School information is not mailed for the most part, and you are welcome to stop by the office for a copy of the newsletter or other materials.

  • We provide opportunities for students to expand their learning through field trips and special activities. We frequently ask parents to help with transportation and supervision. Oregon law requires children under six years of age, OR weighing under 60 pounds, to be secured in a child safety system. This child seat or booster needs to elevate the child so that the seat belt properly fits the child.

    1. Only students who have a signed permission slip on record at the school may go on field trips.
    2. Students are expected to follow directions and behave in a courteous and responsible manner when away from school.
    3. Parents who volunteer to help with field trips need to have completed background check on record with the district. Parents who volunteer to drive must complete a Volunteer Auto Insurance Information form and provide a copy of a driver’s license and insurance card.
    4. Younger, non-school and school siblings are typically not allowed on school field trips.
  • We encourage parents to visit classes so they can experience the learning environment and activities of their child/ren. As parents, you are welcome at any time in your children’s classroom with prior notification. While you are in the classroom, you may be asked to help with some activities. What we can accomplish is extended because of your efforts.

  • Many classes have parties and celebrations throughout the year. Other events include performances, 5th grade promotion, and other cultural events. Class parties are generally held within the last hour of the school day. Our district’s Wellness Policy Committee encourages healthy, nutritious foods for your child/ren, fostering life-long healthy eating habits. These foods include fruit, vegetables, 100% juices, and other healthy snacks versus cookies, cakes, and candy. If you have questions or wish to help in these activities, please contact your child’s teachers or room parents. If you prefer that your child not participate in planned activities, please notify teachers.

    PLEASE DO NOT pass out invitations to private parties at school unless you are inviting the whole class.

  • The staff at Yujin Gakuen makes an on-going effort to provide a school environment where everyone feels welcome and safe. As parents, you can help reinforce the lessons we are teaching our children about positive, respectful social behaviors. No youngster should ever have to experience being bullied. Teasing, harassment, discrimination, intimidation, and retaliation are all forms of bullying.

    Some of the bullying takes the form of physical intimidation or fighting, but other bullying takes the form of teasing. If your child feels that they are being bullied, please notify his/her teacher and principal immediately.

    School District 4J has a process for dealing with discrimination, harassment, intimidation, bullying and retaliation at school. These guidelines are available in the school office or on the District website.

  • Rather than having parents purchase all of the standard school supplies, the Yujin Gakuen staff requests an annual fee per child supply and activity fee be paid at the beginning of the school year. In addition, 4th grade teachers have an annual rocket project fee. Please make a check out to Yujin Gakuen and mail or deliver it to the office.

    See the Yujin Gakuen School Supply List sent to you in the mail for other specific grade-level requests. We hope this makes your life simpler.

    Children need to leave toys, electronic games, and other personal items at home unless requested by the classroom teacher.