YG Family Newsletter- September 8, 2022
Dear friends and families of Yujin Gakuen,
It was wonderful seeing our students and families at Open House on Tuesday, and it’s starting to feel more like a “normal” year. We did experience some “firsts” (first time eating breakfast in our cafeteria), and we had to work out a few things on the fly, but our students did well. They were patient, and they did a great job being “detectives,” figuring things out by following our clues.
I appreciate your patience and understanding as we work at being more efficient with our dismissal process, especially with kindergarten and first grade dismissal.
As we approach the end of the first week, I’m feeling very optimistic that this will be a great year. Many of the COVID restrictions have been lifted, and we are looking forward to experiencing joy with our students.
Thank you for supporting Yujin Gakuen. 🌸
Yours sincerely,
Kocho Sensei
School Hours8:30-3:00 Monday-Thursday 8:30-1:45 Friday |
Kinder Orientation – Mark Your CalendarsWe will be holding a kindergarten orientation and information session next Friday, just before the BBQ and Picnic. This will be an opportunity for new families to learn about the “YG Way” in kindergarten and to get an overview of what will be taught in the year, how parents can support our goals, and what to expect regarding homework. There will also be an opportunity to ask questions of our staff and administration. We look forward to seeing our kindergarten families in person. See details: Date: Friday, September 16th |
Curriculum Night – Thursday, September 29This year, we will be holding our Curriculum Night in the building. Parents and guardians are invited to visit your classroom teachers. This will be an opportunity to learn about
There will also be an opportunity to ask questions of our staff and administration. We look forward to seeing our kindergarten families in person. Times are scheduled below. 6:00-6:40, Grades 3,4, and 5 |
Picture Day!YG’s picture day will be on September 14th. Orders can be placed before picture day at: |
Breakfast and Lunch
Arrival and DismissalSchool hours are 8:30-3:00 Monday-Thursday; 8:30-1:45 on Fridays.
You can download this document Traffic Patterns YG 2022 for a more clear image. |
Parking Lot RemindersThe parking lot is for families who want to walk their child to the building entrances during arrival or who wish to meet their child at the end of the day at dismissal. If a student arrives before the doors open at 8:20 AM, they will wait in their car or stand on a sidewalk spot by the main entrance. Families dropping students off by car are encouraged to park in the west parking lot. This greatly reduces traffic congestion in our parking lot. Curbside Pause Parking Reminders In the mornings, students may be dropped off along the curb. At the end of the day, drivers can pause park along the curb to pick up their students when they come out at dismissal. Please note the following expectations for pause parking:
Thank you for being patient and understanding as we coordinate our drop off and pick up procedures and the associated traffic. We expect to see some “hiccups” as we get started, but things will move along smoothly after the first week or so. If you have questions about the arrival and dismissal procedures, please contact the office at 541-790-4606. Thank you for supporting Yujin Gakuen. |
Student Attendance and TardiesOne of the most reliable predictors of school success is regular attendance. Absences for any reason result in lost instruction time. We know that students who fall behind often become discouraged learners. It is our hope that we can work together to encourage your child’s regular attendance and success at school. We understand that there are many factors in your lives that make it difficult, at times, for your child to be in school or on time. However, it is important that we work with you to reduce these to an absolute minimum. Class activities start promptly in the morning. This morning class time is one of the most important times of the day. When a child comes in late, not only have they missed valuable class time, it is disruptive to their classmates. When your child is going to be late or absent from school, please call the attendance line at 541-790-4606, before 8:45 a.m. and inform the office staff. You may leave a message on the voice mail, if calling before office hours. Please leave the name of your child, their teacher’s name, and the reason for the absence. It is extremely important that this be done, as every child must be accounted for on a daily basis. As a friendly reminder, according to Oregon Truancy Regulations, if your student has eight unexcused half-day absences in any four-week period, you will receive a letter from the school notifying you of our attendance concerns. Please understand that if irregular attendance continues, we will be obligated to make a referral to a truant officer for further investigation. |
YG PTO Meeting Thursday, September 22nd @6:30 PM in the cafeteria.We are once again allowed to conduct in-person PTO meetings and our first meeting of the year will be Thursday, September 22 at 6:30 PM in the cafeteria. Come to our parent group meetings to learn how you can help the first few days of school, hear about plans for the year, and receive an update from the principal. Note: childcare will be provided in the gym. |
Upcoming Events
Friday, September 9 – Early Release
8:00-8:20, Breakfast in the cafeteria
8:20am, Doors open
8:30am, Class begins
1:45pm, Dismissal
Wednesday, September 14 – Picture Day!
Orders can be placed before picture day at:
mylifetouch.com with the Picture Day ID: EVTDV67MT
Friday, September 16 – Early Release
4:30-5:15 – Kindergarten Orientation in the Cafeteria
5:30-7:00 Back-To-School BBQ and Picnic at Yujin Gakuen
Thursday, September 22
3:15-4:00, Site Council Meeting on zoom
6:30-7:30, PTO Meeting in the Cafeteria
Friday, September 23 – Early Release
Thursday, September 29 – Mark Your Calendars!
6:00-6:40, Grades 3,4, and 5
6:45-7:25, Grades 1 and 2
Friday, October 14 – No School
Professional Development and Planning Day