YG Family Newsletter- September 22, 2022
Dear friends and families of Yujin Gakuen,
Happy first day of autumn. We had some interesting weather this past week, having had warm and sunny days the previous week and then having to stay inside due to poor air quality a few times this week.
We are approaching the end of the second full week of school. I’m happy to report that this year is getting off to a good start. Students are learning classroom routines and expectations at a faster pace than last year. Returning students are re-adjusting to school and they are getting along well with each other and connecting with their new teachers.
Thank you for supporting Yujin Gakuen and enjoy the autumn weather. 🌸
YG PTO Meeting TODAY @6:30We will be holding our first PTO meeting in-person! All families are invited. We will be meeting in the cafeteria from 6:30-7:30pm. Childcare will be provided by YG staff. Agenda 1) Welcome and board member introductions 2) Kocho Report 3) Treasurer Report 4) Volunteering at the UO beverage booth and why it’s important 5) Voting on intern funding, tee shirt gifting, and tee shirt sales 6) Tee shirts – Next steps 7) Q&A Looking forward to seeing you there! |
Early Release at 1:45 PMHere’s a friendly reminder that Friday is early release. Students are released at 1:45 PM. Thank you for picking up your child on time! |
Volunteers Needed!Hello YG Families! The PTO is looking for volunteers to man the beverage booth at the UO vs. Stanford game Saturday, October 1st starting at 5PM. Bus passes and parking passes for carpooling are available. An OLCC license is required for most positions but not required to help out in a small number of other positions. The PTO will also reimburse all testing and licensing fees for the online course and government certification needed. If you have the time, please sign up here:
Thank you so much for your continued support! YG PTO — Yujin Gakuen PTO Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ygpto/ |
Curriculum Night – Thursday, September 296:00-6:40, Grades 3,4, and 5 Parents and guardians are invited to visit your classroom teachers, onsite in their classrooms. This will be an opportunity to learn about
There will also be an opportunity to ask questions of our staff and administration. We look forward to seeing our kindergarten families in person. Note about childcare: We will not be providing childcare during this event. We ask that you keep students at home. We cannot accommodate all our students and their parents at the same time. |
Zones and StrategiesSome of our classroom teachers have been using ‘What Zone Am I’ in class for self regulation. If you would like a print out you can click the link below: |
Back to School BBQWe had so much fun at our BBQ last week! Below are some photos from the event. |
Hispanic Heritage EventEl Camino del Rio will be hosting a Hispanic Heritage Event on September 30th. Check the above flyer for more information. |
The Yujin Gakuen Library is opening for the 2022-2023 School Year!Now that we are in second full week of this school year, we are ready to open our library, which has a significant Japanese book collection. For the coming weeks, until winter break, students will be visiting the library every other Friday. 3rd, 4th, and 5th grades start this Friday September 23rd. Kinder, 1st, 2nd will visit the Library starting September 30th. Students can check out one Japanese book and one English book for a maximum of two weeks. If your child needs more than two weeks to finish a book please contact your teacher or the office. In kindergarten students pick one English book, then if that book is returned the next week a Japanese book can be checked out. Library materials are available so students can practice reading and explore ideas, but we also want students learn to be responsible for the books and return the books in good condition. Maran Sensei and Izumi Sakimoto have been working very hard to place additional new titles in English and Japanese in the library. We hope the students will find the books they wished for or requested last year on the shelves this year. We hope all of the students are as excited as we are to return to the Yujin Gakuen Library! Happy reading! |
Upcoming Events
Thursday, September 22
3:15-4:00, Site Council Meeting on zoom
6:30-7:30, PTO Meeting in the Cafeteria
Friday, September 23 – Early Release
Thursday, September 29 – Curriculum Night
6:00-6:40, Grades 3,4, and 5
6:45-7:25, Grades 1 and 2
Upcoming Holy Days
Rosh Hashanah (Jewish)
sunset Sept. 25 through nightfall Sept. 27, 2022
Yom Kippur (Jewish)
sunset Oct. 4 through nightfall Oct. 5, 2022
Dussehra (Hindu) October 5
Friday, October 14 – No School
Professional Development and Planning Day
Tuesday, November 8
4:00-8:00pm, Parent Conferences
Wednesday, November 9
8:00-8:00pm, Parent Conferences
Thursday, November 10 – No School
Friday, November 11 – Veteran’s Day – No School