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Carpool Connections Meeting!

Posted Date: 6/11/24 (4:53 PM)

Carpool Connections Meeting! TomorrowJune 12th at 6pm via Zoom hosted by the YG PTO! 

* Join other families who want to carpool for the 2024-2025 school year. This meeting is completely optional. District bussing is still available. The meeting is to initiate connections between families in general neighborhoods and facilitate carpooling conversations.

* As stated by the district, there will be daily bussing available from the north region to 2855 Lincoln. Bus times have not been confirmed, but will meet district standards for arriving with time for students to eat breakfast on campus, if needed. 

* YG school hours will be from 8:30am - 3:00pm on MondayTuesdayThursday, and Friday, and 8:30am - 1:45pm on Wednesday

 * 4j, Yujin Gakuen Elementary, and/or the YG PTO are not liable for any issues, events, or accidents occurring during or relating to a carpool. Entering a community carpool is completely optional. All safety considerations should be taken prior to agreeing to join a carpool. 

* This form is monitored by the YG PTO; therefore, neither 4j nor Yujin Gakuen Elementary are responsible for gathering or maintaining carpool information. 

* If you have questions about the YG move, please see the FAQ page frequently updated by the YG administration. 

* Fill out the form to find others in your zone - Carpool Connection Questionnaire

Zoom Link:
If you have questions, please feel free to email at