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Jog-a-thon Family Information

Posted Date: 5/09/24 (6:07 PM)

(Una traducción al español de esta carta se encuentra a continuación.)

Tuesday, May 28th Jog-a-thon: 
Both classes for each grade will join together during their Music/PE Specials time on the Kelly MS Track. If you would like to volunteer:
5th 8:45-9:15am
4th 9:15-9:45am
3rd 9:55-10:25am
2nd 10:30-11:00am
1st 11:55am-12:25pm (If too hot, we may move to the grass)
K 12:30pm-1:00pm  (If too hot, we may move to the grass)

Dear Yujin Gakuen families and community members,

It is time once again for Jikyusou (Jog-a-thon). Yujin Gakuen students are gathering donations and participating in a jog-a-thon on May 28th. We value academic, cultural, music, and physical education and this is a great chance for our students to practice engaging with their community and to push themselves to be healthy and fit.

This is YG's annual fundraiser to provide resources and activities above and beyond a school budget. For example, field trips, staffing, and resources to help make YG’s student’s cultural experience even better. Starting in the Fall of 2024, we will be at our new site, 2855 Lincoln St.; and we would love to be able to add touches to make it feel like ‘our’ school.

Any amount donated is greatly appreciated. Tax deductible receipts can be provided and we can accept cash, checks, and payments online at  

Students solicit pledges of financial support from friends, relatives, and neighbors. Then they participate in a monitored running event. After the run, students collect donations based on their pledges and their personal performance in the run. Supporters can donate per lap or make a flat donation to Yujin Gakuen.

(Kid friendly versions)
Dear Yujin Gakuen families and friends,

We're excited to let you know about something fun coming up called Jikyusou, also known as the Jog-a-thon! On May 28th, all the students at Yujin Gakuen will be running and gathering donations. It's a special event where we exercise and raise money for our school.

At Yujin Gakuen, we value academic, cultural, musical, and physical education. The jog-a-thon is a way for us to show how much we care about being fit and active while also helping our school.

This is an important event because the money we raise helps our school do extra special things that aren't in our regular budget. For example, we can go on cool field trips, hire more great teachers, and get materials to make our school even better. Next year, we'll be moving to a new location (2855 Lincoln St.), and we want to make it feel like home with special touches.

Any amount people can give is wonderful. They can donate money online at this link: We can also take cash or checks. Please fill in your pledge sheet as you get pledges and collect donations.

Here's how it works: Students ask people like family, friends, and neighbors to give money for every lap they run or just a one-time donation. Then, on the day of the jog-a-thon, we'll run and see how many laps we can do. After that, we collect the money from our sponsors.

Thank you for supporting us and our school! We're excited to run and have fun while helping Yujin Gakuen be the best it can be.

(Una traducción al español de esta carta se encuentra a continuación.)

Estimadas familias y miembros de la comunidad de Yujin Gakuen,

Una vez más es hora de Jikyusou (Jog-a-thon). Los estudiantes de Yujin Gakuen están recolectando donaciones y participando en un jog-a-thon el 28 de mayo. Valoramos la educación académica, cultural, musical y física y esta es una gran oportunidad para que nuestros estudiantes practiquen la interacción con su comunidad y se esfuercen por estar saludables y en forma.

Esta es la recaudación de fondos anual de YG para proporcionar recursos y actividades más allá del presupuesto escolar. Por ejemplo, excursiones, personal y recursos para ayudar a que la experiencia cultural de los estudiantes de YG sea aún mejor. A partir del otoño de 2024, estaremos en nuestro nuevo sitio, 2855 Lincoln St.; y nos encantaría poder agregar toques para que se sienta como "nuestra" escuela.

Cualquier cantidad donada es muy apreciada. Se pueden proporcionar recibos deducibles de impuestos y podemos aceptar efectivo, cheques y pagos en línea en

Los estudiantes recibirán un sobre para solicitar promesas de apoyo financiero de amigos, familiares y vecinos. Luego participan en una carrera supervisada. Después de la carrera, los estudiantes recolectan donaciones en función de sus promesas y su desempeño personal en la carrera. Los seguidores pueden donar por vuelta o hacer una donación fija a Yujin Gakuen.

Jog-a-thon Pledge Sheet 

First and Last Name:_______________________________


(# of ¼ mile laps in 30 minutes :____)

Online payments accepted :


Contact Info: 

Phone #, e-mail, or address


Per Lap 

or Donation amount




 (Cash, check, online)

Example, A



$5.00 (if 10 laps)


Example, B




Check, Yes

For PTO/Teacher to fill out: 

Laps ran= __________ 

Total money to be collected= ___________ 

Date paid=__________ 

Money due by= June 4th 2024